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发布日期:2023-08-26 来源: 网络 阅读量(

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日前,新加坡国立大学(National University of Singapore,NUS)土木与环境工程系何小刚教授课题组拟招收1-2名水文和水资源方向的博士生,2022年1月入学,提供全额奖学金。申请人应在土木与环境工程、物理、地球科学、应用数学、经济学、计算机科学或其他相关领域取得学士或硕士学位。具体研究方向和招生要求见下文,欢迎感兴趣的同学联系何教授 (hexg@nus.edu.sg) 申请!申请截止日期2021年7月1日


何小刚博士现为新加坡国立大学土木环境工程系助理教授、博士生导师。何博士2019年毕业于普林斯顿大学土木环境工程系,师从Eric Wood教授 (美国工程院院士) 和Justin Sheffield教授,之后在斯坦福大学Woods环境研究所从事博士后研究。主要研究方向: 气候变化和人类活动对水文极端事件(洪水、干旱、旱涝急转等)的影响,水-粮食-能源系统的耦合,机器学习在水文领域的应用,以及深度不确定环境下的稳健决策分析等。何博士发表SCI论文40余篇,包括两篇Nature Communications (第一作者一篇)、一篇Science Advances (第一作者)。研究成果被Bloomberg、The Straits Times、The Hill、Grist、EurekAlert!、Science Daily等国际主流媒体广泛报道。何博士兼任Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences国际SCI期刊编委,为Nature、Geophysical Research Letters、Water Resources Research等20多个国际期刊审稿超过50次,并于2021年获美国地球物理学会Geophysical Research Letters优秀审稿人奖。

Ph.D. Opportunities in Hydrology and Water Resources:

The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the National University of Singapore (NUS) is seeking 1-2 Ph.D. students interested in hydrology, climate science, and water-food-energy nexus, starting in Jan 2022. Successful students will pursue research on one or more of the following directions:(i) compound hydroclimatic extremes (e.g., drought-food seesaw),
(ii) climate, human, and policy dimensions of sustainable groundwater management (e.g., managed aquifer recharge),
(iii) robust and multi-benefit water-food-energy-infrastructure planning, or related topics, through interdisciplinary tools that integrate physical modelling, theory-guided machine learning, remote sensing techniques, and modern econometrics.
High performing students with bachelor's and/or master's degrees in civil & environmental engineering, physics, earth sciences, applied math, economics, computer science, or other closely related fields are encouraged to apply. Knowledge and experience of working with large datasets and hydrological models in a Linux/Unix environment, including scientific programming skills in Python, R, MATLAB, Fortran, C or similar are desirable, but not required.

Prospective students should contact Xiaogang He (hexg@nus.edu.sg) with the email subject line “Prospective Ph.D. student" and include your CV, unofficial transcripts, and a brief description of how your interests connect to my research areas. Applicants should apply to the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering before July 1, 2021 and meet the minimum admission requirement set by the Faculty of Engineering at NU. Ph.D. students are guaranteed funding for a minimum of 4 years including a 12-month stipend, tuition, and benefits.

Dr. Xiaogang He is an Assistant Professor in Civil and Environmental Engineering at the National University of Singapore (NUS). Dr. He is a Princeton-trained Ph.D. Hydrologist with experience in economics, machine learning, and environmental policy. His research interests focus on the fundamental understanding of how climate change, variability, and human interventions affect drought and flood risk across scales, and how to implement an integrative framework (e.g., hydrological modeling, remote sensing, artificial intelligence, nexus approaches) to reduce their societal impact. Before joining NUS, Dr. He is a Water in the West Postdoc Fellow at Stanford University working on sustainable groundwater management. Dr. He received his M.A. in Civil and Environmental Engineering from Princeton University in 2016; M.E. in Civil Engineering from the University of Tokyo in 2013; B.Eng (Major, with honors) in Hydraulic Engineering, and B.Sc (Dual) in School of Economics and Management from Tsinghua University, China, in 2011.
